Sunday, August 19, 2012

Okay, okay, it's been a while.

Um...Hi. Remember me? Well if you don't, feel free to read my first blog post or, if you don't feel like doing that, let me recap.

I am writing a book about constellations. I love constellations and their stories.

There. I think that's pretty much it. Gee. Why was that first post so long?

Well, at the end of that first [very long] post, I talked about how I would be documenting my writing process and how I wanted to start querying agents soon.

Ha! I am so not ready yet. How did I discover this? By using this great site: Agent Query Connect
and learning from all the wonderful aspiring writers on there that I still have a long way to go. Through that site I found this amazing online conference: Write On Con 2012

Wow. Just wow. It was amazing. I spent two days watching webinars, stalking ninja agents, reading queries, visiting live chats and forum events and entering contests. In fact, I won a 50 first page critique by the lovely and talented Ms. Amy Christine Parker. Please visit her blog and support her as her new book comes out this Fall - Amy Christine Parker

I am very much looking forward to her awesome critiques and comments. (Though I still know I have a lot of work, I'm so excited!)

Now for something completely different...

After reading and watching workshops from Write On Con 2012 I found that it is a great idea to use blogs and twitter. I guess I already knew this, but seeing it up - all professional-like- was like a slap in the face. But I also realized that writers often have blogs about writing. Well, I think there are already plenty of those. So while my blog will also be about my book and writing process, it will also have posts about constellations and their myths. Often I will intertwine myths from different cultures and compare them.

You know, for fun. Because Comparative Mythology is FUN.

So next post I will be starting with a constellation and its story/history. Requests?

Thanks for reading! Maybe I'll get better at this whole blogging thing.


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